and Well Being services in the UK
- Acupuncture
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- Aura
- Authors
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- Business Coach
- Counselling
- Counsellor
- Crystals
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- Hypnotherapy
- Intuition
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- Nutrition
- Other
- Past Life Regression
- Personal Coach
- Psychic & Tarot Readers
- Psychic Detective
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Self Love
- Sound Therapy
- Spa
- Spa and Retreats
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- Spiritual Teacher
- Stress and Anxiety
- Wellbeing
- Yoga
Spiritual art, words & guidance to help you thrive. You can break through limitations. Transform your home, your mindset, and your life. Enjoy timeless, hand-made art, helpful human-written true stories, and personal spiritual guidance. Your potential is limitless. I am honoured to help you be all you can be.
I’m Jamie, an artist and writer living off-grid in the wilderness. Welcome to my website. I’m glad you came. My work stems from a lifetime of adventure in enlightening situations. I document my wellness journey within my art and words. Everything I create gives you practical insights yourself. I’m also a huge fan of nature and spirituality. I even got certified as a spiritual teacher. So I can help you overcome adversity and thrive with spiritual guidance.
I offer mediumship & psychic readings, workshops, courses and mentorships both in real live and online.
Lage 49828
Jayne Almond Acupuncture
Justin Rose Veare Healing