Alice Lapeta Healer in her office

Intuitive energy healer, Ayurvedic consultant and Angelic Reiki Teacher who specialises in trauma and chronic illness.


We are all about Angel numbers and developing spirituality

Window Light Healing
Business Name

Spiritual Counsellor and Holistic Healer based in London, specialising in a range of Holistic Healing modalities.

Divine Healing Master Key – Multidimensional healing, clearing layers of generational and past life trauma
EFT and Matrix Re-imprinting – Releasing stuck emotions and subconscious re-programming
Rahanni Celestial Healing – For opening the heart, and healing the inner child
Spiritual Counselling – Healing from childhood emotional neglect and the mother wound
Soul Plan reading – Discover your life purpose, and who you are at the deepest level
Atlantean Healing Paddles – Healing for the aura and physical health conditions
Soul Transformation Therapy – Getting to the core of your issues when you don't know what is holding you back
