There is a turning of the clock that now propels you forth into motion. So far you have observed, watched from afar, taken notes and perhaps been drawn back into the shadows. Your shadow.

Where you have been thrown back in time. To a place where you were abandoned, alone, rejected. For being different, for embracing the new, for speaking the truth, for having a voice.

All of those emotions, patterns and behaviours surfaced until you thought you could take no more. You have been purged, You have been cleansed.

Then you could only hear silence. The ticking of the clock, but neither moving forwards or backwards. Just stillness, quiet, where you have had time to reflect.

Speak with yourself whilst you can hear. To connect to your inner guidance, your higher self. For nuture, for nourishment, for encouragement.

A brand new you emerges like a new born baby. Everything seems so bright, so colourful, so shiny. You are learning to speak again in a new language. You are learning to walk again, taking your first tentative steps.

There is a new life stretching before you. Where before you had certainty based on what had been before. Now, in a new paradigm, on a New Earth everything is unfamiliar. Yet your soul knows exactly where you are going. Your connection to your blueprint now shows you the way. You have travelled far to get here guided by the stars and the galaxies.

You are a new leader emerging, a changemaker emerging. Flexing your spiritual muscles, getting used to living in a higher frequency, a new dimension. There are other people on the same journey. You begin to connect with them. You only need to be in their presence, to know you are connected. You are guiding and supporting each other. Building a community of belonging, of growing, of wonder, fascination and curiosity as to what is now possible.

There is an electric current through you charged by Mother Earth that ignites a spark. A spark of passion, confidence, purpose and potential. As a leader of the New Earth you will have new gifts to use, new gifts to explore. Dormant ways of being, doing and developing. All of these are emerging, ready for you to harness once more.

Seek counsel, ask questions, read knowledge, explore your wisdom. You find your wisdom in the words that you can now speak. In your new language, in your new understanding. In your values, your beliefs, your worth and intuition. Act from the heart, speak from the heart, speak the truth. Transform your wisdom into words, into action. Action that rapidly gains traction as time speeds up to aid the recovery, restoration and revitalisation of humanity.

You are needed now, humanity needs you now. You know who you are.

You are the leader and changemaker who will uplevel others. Raise their expectations, raise their standards, raise their frequency, raise their ability to sell-love, self-believe, self-connect and self-understand.

By getting to know yourself you pass on the connection. To bring people back to a sense of wholeness, completeness, To know joy, pleasure, multisensory experiences that immerse them in their own way of achieving success, abundance and their true potential.

It’s like stepping into a wonderland and not knowing which ride to go on first. Just join the queue, get a ticket and when you are at the front take a seat.

Buckle your seatbelt. You are in for a thrilling ride?

All channeled messages from my guides are published without alteration and are delivered as messages that you have been requested to hear. Their directness is intentional. Be aware of transformation, insight and direct action taken as a result!


November 2020 numerology forecast

Our November 2020 numerology forecast shows that November is a number 6 universal month (Nov 2020 = 11+2020 = 2031 = 2+0+3+1 = 6; 6//6) and everything numerology number 6 related will be very much in play. November is the 11th month of the year and therefore the master No11 energy is in play. It is no wonder that everything is going pear-shaped for Biden and the Democrats! Joe and Hunter Biden’s numbers are the real issue in this election campaign.

Last month’s (October 2020) numerology forecast advised: “Given the fractious state of the world right now, October’s 2020 numerology forecast is advising you to be cautious, to not to give a lot of your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to matters that are simply beyond your control and illogical. Keep focused on working on those goals which will bring about the required changes to give you the sustained personal freedom you seek. The next month is about embracing everything in moderation. Enjoy life but don’t throw caution to the wind. Mind your thoughts, emotions, and actions as they create your results. October 2020 is a No5 universal month, and 2021 will be a No5 universal year. October 2020 is giving you a preview of what is on the cards for 2021, be wide awake, pay attention and leverage what you see, and plan wisely for 2021. Lastly, embrace what provides life enhancing change and moves you forward toward your goals.”

Numerology Number 6 and master number 11

The number 6 is an emotionally charged number, the primary focus is relationships, responsibility, and matters of the heart etc. The No6 is more feminine and extrovert and is related to the star sign Virgo and the planet Venus. The related major arcana card is The Lovers. There is a completed sense of balance with the Number 6 vibration. It is the “Mother number” and is fundamentally a working, building number. It is symbolic of responsibility and service which desires to be achieved through love, nurturing and protection. There is an instinctive desire within a person with a Number 6 to bring harmony, peace, justice, and truth to all aspects in life. The Number 6 person flourishes on beauty and needs to be at ease in all aspects of their lives – emotionally, spiritually, and physically. They give people the chance to develop a clear concept of right and wrong – and the outcomes that link cause and effect. Number 6’s vibration represents order, justice, and truth. 6’s will be afforded opportunities to learn to be responsible and to be of service to humanity throughout their lives. The six energy fights for their ideals and principles and  deeply concerned for others. Of all the numbers, 6 has the greatest depth of emotion and feel deeply about everything. At times they have a great inner knowing, and developing this intuitive energy is for the highest good of all.

November is the 11th month of 2020 and with this comes the Double Masculine master number 11

Master number 11 is one of the three master numbers that we work with at our research department, 365 Pin Code. There is master number 11, master number 22 and the rare master number 33.

So, what is the master number 11 all about?

Number 1 is The Alpha Energy, the essence of masculinity. It is the epitome of the Confident Natural Leader and The Original Creator. Take this and  turbocharge it [as there are 2×1’s (11 = 2×1’s)], add an equal and opposite does of feminine energy into the mix (11 = 1+2 = 2; the essence of femininity) and you have master number 11. Having the master number 11 in your numerology is extraordinary, as its gifts you the potential to be able to interchange between the masculine and the feminine energies with ease. Those who have this gift, can shape shift instantly, into male or female energy, aggression or passivity, authority of diplomacy, leading or supporting. The journey to mastering the Master Number 11, is to discover balance and equilibrium. Specifically Balanced Leadership, being able to see merit in both sides,  and Equilibrated Consciousness.

November’s Master Number 11 reveals ALL the Skeletons in the closet

Master number 11 is the number of illumination, it illuminates the darkness, publicly revealing all the skeletons in the closet! Now we can understand why all the dirty washing is being exposed ahead of the US Presidential Election. November 2020 is significant for Joe Biden’s 365 Pin Code numerology, he is born on the 20th  (means he has No2 in the Person) of November. Joe Biden has the Master Number 11 in the Family, he  has a shadow number 2 career number and a number 2 life path. November 2020 brings 4x negative No2 numerology synchronicities into play for the man, and this explains why Biden ends up costing the Democrats the 2020 US Presidential election. You can see the synchronicity around Joe’s son Hunter Biden’s being exposed as November draws near. It is no wonder no wonder Hunter Biden has been exposed in 2020. He is born on the 4th, and this synchronises 100% with 2020 [2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4] which is a number 4 universal year. What is the No4 all about? Justice! Hunter’s date of birth is 4th February 1970 [4+2+1970 = 1976 = 1+9+7+6 = 23 = 2+3 = 5; 1976//23//5], he has a number 5 life path. If he thinks his life is horrible now, just wait until 2021, which is a No5 universal year and the energy will target him right in the life path!

There is no good news for America

Tragically, even though Trump, who is the 45th President (BTW No45 = 4+5 = 9 and numerology No9 means THE END, completion, closure!) we are certain he wins. The difficult outcome of this election is that the USA and all Americans lose! The way the world works we know is if America gets a cold, the rest of the world gets pneumonia, dark times loom and anyone who thinks 2021 is going to be a fabulous year, needs their head read, because it will be even more extreme than 2020 has been, and America will not be the only country affected.

November 2020 numerology forecast: The US explodes!

Given how angry the world is at this moment, over absolutely everything, and with polarities clashing brutally (as in Conservatives and Democrats, masculine and feminine, 11 and 2 etc.), November 2020 will bring tremendous emotional upheaval and the outpouring of extreme emotions.

November 2020 has all the components of this being a violent month globally as the masculine fire-driven shadow numerology number 3 (3 is the shadow number of 6) erupts from underneath the feminine 6, so be awar, take care and expect the unexpected.

Who will be Most Affected by the No6 of November 2020?

Everyone will be affected by the No6 universal energy of November 2020. However, because the No6 is all about the relationships, responsibility, community and all importantly, matters of the heart, that’s where November 2020 will be felt most. People with the No6 energy or vibration presenting in their birth chart will experience this month intensely, positively, negatively, or both. By this we mean those people who:

  • Have a No6 life path (to calculate your life path numbers access the 365 Pin Code Life Path Numerology Calculator).
  • Were born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of the month (15 = 1+5 = 6; 24 = 2+4 = 6).
  • Were born in June (6th month of the year; No6). US President Donald Trump was born in the month of June and in November 2020, as per his 365 Pin Code Numerology, goes on to win a second term as president.
  • Have a No6 world / career number (e.g. Birth YYYY 2013 = 2+0+1+3 = 6; Birth YYYY 2004 = 2+0+0+4 = 6; Birth YYYY 1995 = 1+9+9+5 = 24 = 2+4 = 6; Birth YYYY 1977 = 1+9+7+7 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 etc.).
  • Have a No6 Sun or Personal Attainment Number (Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM; e.g. Birth DD 2nd, Birth MM April, 2+4 = 6; Birth DD = 18th, Birth MM = June, 18+6 = 24 = 2+4 = 6 etc.).
  • Have a No6 Professional Attainment Number (Prof. Attainment No = Birth DD + Birth YYYY; e.g. Birth DD = 11th, Birth MM 2002, = 11+2002 = 2013 = 2+0+1+3 = 6; Birth DD = 5th, Birth YYYY = 1981, 5 +1981 =1986 = 1+9+8+6 = 24 = 2+4 = 6).
  • Have a No6 Balance Number, a No6 Expression Number, a No6 Karmic Lesson, a No6 Hidden Passion, a No6 Lifelong Challenge. If you don’t understand what numerology numbers mean and if you don’t understand the significance of the role these numbers play in your life, then you ought to seriously consider having your 365 Pin Code Numerology Report

How to sum up our November 2020 numerology forecast?

Number 6 is in play and is emotional. Number 2 is in play and is emotional. No3 is in the play as the month’s shadow emotional experience and brings explosive fire energy into the mix. The cherry on the top, is that master number 11 is in play too, this means that everything that has been secretly hidden away in the darkness will be exposed for all to see! This will cause even more emotional drama and outrage. Let’s be honest, 2020 has been an awful year and emotions have been intensifying since the lockdowns imposed early on this year. In November 2020 it all comes to a head, and you can bank on it that things will get ugly, so do not be surprised when they do, internationally, locally, even within your immediate family environment. The numerology No6 (the universal energy of Nov2020) is all about helping others, kindness, community, and loyalty, regardless of how maniacal things might become, always try to keep a cool head. This way you can rise above the emotional chaos find practical ways to be of assistance to others.

Like it or not, the Chickens are Coming home to Roost,

In closing – please choose carefully who you serve in November 2020. Do not throw your valuable pearls before swine, especially people who have a track record that consistently shows them as such! Remember, in life, you do not attract what you want, nor do you attract what you are, but you most definitely attract what you must learn! November 2020 will see all the chickens coming home to roost. Many eggs will be broken in the lives of No4 people who have deliberately ignored what the No4 stands for,  work, focus, discipline, justice, law and order, planning, persistence, patience, endurance, no short cuts, reliability, trustworthiness etc. In case you are wondering who No4 people are, they are those who have the numerology No4 prominently placed in their charts (e.g. Born 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st; Born in April; Born in 2011, 2002, 1993, 1984, 1975, 1966, 1957, 1948…; have a No4 life path or shadow life path etc.). The ones who will be targeted in November 2020, are those who have been living their lives secretly in the shadows of hypocrisy. As 2020 closes out, its ruthless No4 energy will give them a brutal reminder of the existence of the Law of Karma. The wheel turns, for everyone!

We need healing more now than ever before

About Chris and Suzanne Styles

Chris and Suzanne Styles launched Numerology for Women and Numerology UK in 2020. Their return to the UK was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and they will now be returning in 2021. Between them Chris and Suzanne have over 35 years of hands-on leadership, business, coaching, mentoring and success strategist experience gained from their senior leadership (Exco) positions within corporate businesses as well as their own entrepreneurial business ventures. They hosted South Africa’s first ever life and business success coaching talk show on Mix FM a leading South African community radio station. Their hundreds of information rich podcasts ably served leaders and entrepreneurs alike who desired to achieve much more and seamlessly so. Today they are specialist Human Futurologists who focus on helping clients create bespoke personal and professional success strategies. They do this through 365 Pin Code, a highly personalised data modelling experience which helps you to intelligently lift the lid on, and easily tap in to, your inner genius. This enlightening self-discovery process goes hand-in-hand with your building a personalised strategic risk-management framework which, helps you to understand what’s in the way as well as what’s on the way. Knowing this disables and mitigates those many “blind-spot-related” judgement errors which in the long run, cost you dearly.

October 2020 numerology forecast

October has numerology numbers 10 and 5 in play

Our October 2020 numerology forecast reveals a pure number 5 (Oct 2020 = 10+2020 = 2030 = 2+0+3+0 = 5; 5//5) universal month and everything related to number 5 will be highlighted. September 2020 saw the small lava flows that have existed in our lives for months even years will burst open and flow red hot. If this happened to you is perfectly ok. It was time for the mountain to blow, if it did, take a big step back, forgive and walk away – put a lot of distance between you and the explosion, physically and emotionally. Regroup, refocus, and re-energise yourself. Now that  September is closed out, we explain what  you need to know and understand about numerology number 5. This will provide you with a bigger picture as to what to expect October 2020 numerology forecast wise.

Numerology Number 5 explained

Number 5 energy is all about the human experience. People with number 5 energy will experience many different levels of this. A very colourful energy – this people with number 5’s  will always colour outside the lines and much of this is because this number is easily distracted, always wanting to have fun, push boundaries and have a good time. 5’s demand personal freedom, they can never be contained – which has positive and negative implications; positive being, they will always find the next level, negative being, they may easily blow apart everything around them en-route to this breakthrough. Rebellious in nature, Number 5’s will learn, most times painfully, the nature of its structure, is to constructively create change and attain personal freedom. It is important to understand though, that no worthwhile freedom is gained from taking short cuts, and don’t 5’s love a short cut? Act in Haste, Repent in Leisure is the massive life lesson people with a No5 dominated 365 Pin Code will encounter.

October 2020 numerology forecast

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

October 2020 is all about being flexible, adapting to, and embracing change. Remember to remind yourself that personal freedom is best attained by being focused, disciplined, and allying yourself. The No5 is a pyrotechnic energy and is known to rebel against the status quo. In the US October 2020 is the month when the Democrats and Republicans go head-to-head (who will win the US Presidential election?) attempting to pedal their version of “inspired visions” ahead of the 3rd of November 2020 Election. There will be intense clashes, with emotions spilling over, many demanding the need for a leadership change. The need for personal freedom in a post Covid-19 world, will rear up this month and the world will see protests and demonstrations against the restrictions. All of this is perfectly in keeping with the No5 which exists to disrupt and redesign. Donald J Trump has the No5 as his personal energy as he is born on the 14th of June. No5 presents again as his shadow life path and he has a No5 expression number. October 2020 will press his buttons in all three of these chart positions and favourably so. Joe Biden has a shadow No5 personal attainment number and a No5 as his lifelong challenge, which does not bode at all well for him this month.

No5 is all about Everything in Moderation so beware a month of Excess!

This October 2020 numerology forecast is encouraging you on a personal level, to use this month to assess what needs to change in your life to give you more personal freedom in 2021. If your circumstances make you feel very confined, restricted, and frustrated, and, there is nothing that you can do to immediately shift into a more favourable space, then accept them for what they temporarily are and work on your mindset. Change how you think about these circumstances and put your efforts into creating something tangible that will be beneficial to you in the foreseeable future! Warning – beware of excess during October 2020, the No5 clashes with the year’s No4. 2020 (2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4) The number 4 demands focus, work, planning, persistence, determination, patience etc. The number 5 energy simply loves to experience deeply from the fountain of life and is the numerology number associated with hedonism, sex, drugs, alcohol, speed, the constant need for an adrenaline rush, and the desire to live on life the edge or even beyond it!. It’s okay to enjoy yourself during October, but do not go overboard else there will be a bug price to pay.

Who will the No5 of October 2020 most affect?

Image by Paul Leng from Pixabay

Everyone! The No5 deals with the human experience as lived through the 5 senses (see, smell, hear, taste, touch). This is how we all interact with our immediate surrounds. However, people with the No5 energy or vibration presenting in their birth chart will experience October 2020 more  intensely, either positively, negatively, or both. By this we mean those people who:

  • Have a No5 life path (to calculate your life path numbers access the 365 Pin Code Life Path Numerology Calculator).
  • Were born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of the month (14 = 1+4 = 5; 23 = 2+3 = 5).
  • Were born in May (5th month of the year; No5).
  • Have a No5 world / career number (e.g. Birth YYYY 2003 = 2+0+0+3 = 5; Birth YYYY 1994 = 1+9+9+4 = 23 = 2+3 = 5; Birth YYYY 1976 = 1+9+7+6 = 23 = 2+3 = 5).
  • Have a No5 Sun or Personal Attainment Number (Sun No = Birth DD + Birth MM; e.g. Birth DD 1st, Birth MM April, 1+4 = 5; Birth DD = 17th, Birth MM = June, 17+6 = 23 = 2+3 = 5).
  • Have a No5 Professional Attainment Number (Prof. Attainment No = Birth DD + Birth YYYY; e.g. Birth DD = 10th, Birth MM 2002, = 10+2002 = 2012 = 2+0+1+2 = 5; Birth DD = 5th, Birth YYYY = 1980, 5 +1980 =1985 = 1+9+8+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5).
  • Have a No5 Balance Number, a No5 Expression Number, a No5 Karmic Lesson, a No5 Hidden Passion, a No5 Lifelong Challenge. If you don’t understand what numerology numbers mean and if you don’t understand the significance of the role these numbers play in your life, then you can have your 365 Pin Code Numerology Report

How to best sum up October 2020 numerology forecast?

Given the fractious state of the world right now, October’s 2020 numerology forecast is advising you to be cautious, to not to give a lot of your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to matters that are simply beyond your control and illogical. Keep focused on working on those goals which will bring about the required changes to give you the sustained personal freedom you seek. The next month is about embracing everything in moderation. Enjoy life but don’t throw caution to the wind. Mind your thoughts, emotions, and actions as they create your results. October 2020 is a No5 universal month, and 2021 will be a No5 universal year. October 2020 is giving you a preview of what is on the cards for 2021, be wide awake, pay attention and leverage what you see, and plan wisely for 2021. Lastly, embrace what provides life enhancing change and moves you forward toward your goals.

About Chris and Suzanne Styles

Chris and Suzanne Styles launched Numerology for Women and Numerology UK in 2020. Their return to the UK was delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and they will now be returning in 2021. Between them Chris and Suzanne have over 35 years of hands-on leadership, business, coaching, mentoring and success strategist experience gained from their senior leadership (Exco) positions within corporate businesses as well as their own entrepreneurial business ventures. They hosted South Africa’s first ever life and business success coaching talk show on Mix FM a leading South African community radio station. Their hundreds of information rich podcasts ably served leaders and entrepreneurs alike who desired to achieve much more and seamlessly so. Today they are specialist Human Futurologists who focus on helping clients create bespoke personal and professional success strategies. They do this through 365 Pin Code, a highly personalised data modelling experience which helps you to intelligently lift the lid on, and easily tap in to, your inner genius. This enlightening self-discovery process goes hand-in-hand with your building a personalised strategic risk-management framework which, helps you to understand what’s in the way as well as what’s on the way. Knowing this disables and mitigates those many “blind-spot-related” judgement errors which in the long run, cost you dearly.

What toddlers can teach us

I recently became a mum, well, perhaps not so recently anymore, considering the fatidic day was in 2017, and as a mum interested in psychology, child development and the Montessori method, I have loved observing my child do things …. a lot.

I’m especially in awe of his willingness to repeat something till he’s mastered it. I watched my son pushing so hard on not yet developed leg muscles to stand up, helping himself by grabbing something or anything that would allow him to stand up. And then fall. Fall again and again and again, and often wondered when he would have enough of it, when he would feel discomfort if any, or when he would call for us to pick him up.

And then he tried again the next day, and the one after that, until one day he mastered standing up, to which quickly followed the cruising around furniture for balance and then finally the first unaided step. I didn’t have to help him, I didn’t have to encourage him, I didn’t have to do a darn thing! Now imagine that natural and unbreakable will-power in yourself, in adulthood.

How many times have you had a great idea, only to think yourself out of it because it might have been hard to implement, or you actually decided to go ahead, started working out the small details, hit a wall and given up. Or even worst, worked at it for a whole year and then got tired of it, because you couldn’t see any good results or someone close told you that it’ll never work or you’re not good enough to make it a success? What would you give to be like a toddler? What would you need to feel like you can’t fail? Why do you let fear eat away at your dreams? Some tips to keep on track:

– Write a list of all of the reasons you are doing it for. Perhaps it’s your child’s education, perhaps you want to travel the world or buy a new car, or you just want to succeed and show a middle finger to those who put you down in the past. Or perhaps is just to prove to yourself you can and nothing more. Remember that success is different for everyone, so own it and make it yours. Once you have a long list of reasons, read it, read it when things get tough, add to it, cross items off, evolve with it, but keep it close to your heart: the motivation is there.

– Priorities: life gives you a daily reminder that your mind, your focus and your attention should be somewhere else. Working from home, my attention, especially in the last 6 months, has been on the washing machine, on cooking, on tying up loose ends caused by lockdown and trying not to go insane without childcare. That’s not my personal priority list, but that is my life’s priority list and I had to accept that to keep things ticking over, I had to let go of other priorities while letting some people down (very unlike me and thank you for your patience). I am blessed that my husband earns enough to cover our living costs so that I could look after our son fully, and accepting that I just couldn’t spend my time writing an article or seeing a client, was key to release the stress caused by

the situation. You must choose what you can do in the 24 hours we’ve been given. Prioritise them and if it means you couldn’t wipe the cooker, or clean the floor because you wanted to make that important call or reply to a possible new sale or fill in a dream job application form, then don’t get stressed about it. Just accept it and enjoy it. You’ve fallen but you can still get up and try again tomorrow, like a toddler.

– If you’re starting a business, always seek the help of a specialist in the field, someone who you must interview first and contract to coach you. As much as we like to be a one man’s band, it’s easier to do it with some expertise from someone whose been there, someone who can teach you to avoid certain pitfalls, learn and then practice what they preach.

– Are fears holding you back to become the best version of you? Seek a therapist; a good one can eliminate lots of blocks and fears on very few appointments, sometimes just one is necessary.

And if you truly feel you need more help to speak to your GP, find a coach or a therapist. Don’t waste a minute more, there is always a way out.

Tamara Flumignan – @LyncroftStudio – www.LyncroftStudio.com

Why is Lymph Drainage often done before a BodyTalk/healing session or necessary after it?

Author: Bahar Nagi  |  Email: [email protected]Website: https://heartsync.co.uk

John Veltheim (BodyTalk System Founder) taught us that from his years of offering TCM/Acupuncture and other therapy sessions, he discovered that people who had a lot of congestion, both emotional and physical, often needed 1 or several lymph drainage sessions before more work could be done to bring additional shifts.

In Osteopathic principles, drainage precedes supply, and the lymphatic system has to drain upwards against gravity without the additional support of a pump like the circulatory system has. It does this very elegantly a lot of the time, however in our modern world where we often sit more and don’t move as much as we should, we have more toxins in our environment to deal with, it is little wonder that this system is struggling to filter out the cellular waste, pathogens and toxins that it faces. If it stopped working altogether, a person would die within 24 hours, that is how important it is. It directly affects immunity because stagnation breeds toxicity. A lot of the toxicity is also emotional burden, clogging the joints , sinuses and commonly the abdomen, where unprocessed emotions are stored.

Emotion essentially means ‘energy in motion’, and anger is the great energy of movement when healthy. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to express these emotions healthily because they are not taught to, instead they are taught to suppress or ignore them. This repression can lead to stagnation and illness, unless it is healthily expressed by talking, discussing, or expressing in some form. Even writing may sometimes help to express it.

There are many factors that affect this system: hydration, movement, a healthy diet and rest also affect this system.

When you next feel sluggish or congestion in your body in some form, ask yourself if there is an emotional toxicity there or something you need to express or move out of the body in a healthy way?

This is the first step towards a healthy immune system and a lighter load.

If you are unsure what your body needs, your BodyTalk therapist will be able to check in to see what is the priority for your body at this time. As always, we work with priorities of the body to provide a personalised session vs practitioner agenda on what is needed. The lymphatic session is also individualised in that we are checking at each point which section of the protocol is needed first, and how it should be done. The person receiving the treatment’s body is giving the indication of how it should be. Even in a distant situation, this can be done through Mindscape with the same results. (see blog post on ‘having a distant session vs an in person session.’)

All BodyTalk/Lymphatic/healing sessions are individualised, personalised, sessions unique for the client, based on the innate wisdom of that person’s body. Through Mindscape, one can access the hologram information and know what will benefit the client. Just as each being is unique, each session will also be unique to that client.

For more information on Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage see Dr Tracey Clark’s article and information on the BodyTalk Association website:


Link to article by Dr John Veltheim on Lymphatic Drainage


Having a distant vs in person session

Author: Bahar Nagi  |  Email: [email protected]Website: https://heartsync.co.uk

People often ask how they can receive a session as a recorded message, or online through Zoom.

Very early on as practitioners, we discover the effect of intention and focused energy. Just as a prayer or focused thought creates vibrations which give birth to energy and then to matter, the focused intention of holding space for a client, tuning in their hologram and using focusing tools such as Mindscape (developed by the founder of BodyTalk as a multipurpose tool) can be used to conduct a session distantly, and get results that are as good as in person.

John Veltheim also goes into details on the science behind this in the Finding Health series of courses and the newer BodyTalk Direct course, which is about tortion fields, scalar waves and how everything from the tap out of cortices, to a distant session, works.

Long before lockdown restrictions, I was using the tool to work with clients who were either too busy to attend in person, lived too far away, or could not physically relax in person and so the best way for them to receive it was as a recording, or as a distant Zoom session. They received the same results as they would in person and have always given feedback to support that, and no longer find it surprising or unusual.

Mindscape is a tool that allows a person to relax their brain waves sufficiently to enter a state where they can create a workshop where tools that will support their intentions are used to practice whatever they wish to. It can be used as a multi-purpose room or space to practice a sport or an art, revise or practice for an interview or exam, mediate a situation with a family or work member(s), and to find out things that can be accessed by the subconscious mind about this situation and the people involved.

For example, if you are having a difficult time agreeing with a colleague or boss, you could invite them into your workshop and discuss things more in-depth, finding out what is bothering that person and how you can resolve the situation. You can move beyond the constructs of time (expand time) to practise your preferred sport or game and become more proficient in that, without having to spend as much time, in reality, doing this. The limitations are your own perceived ones, in what can be achieved in Mindscape.

The results can be surprisingly good and there is no downside to engaging the left and right brain more and the subconscious cues that can be picked up. Often more can be picked up this way than by the conscious mind.

The Lymphatic Drainage technique developed by John Veltheim can also be performed distantly with very good results. It is a safe, gentle method, suitable for most people, including pregnant women.


Directory Listing:

The evil of comparison

I’m sure you do too, I’m an avid fan of comparison sites, from utilities to insurance and travel, they have become a part of us as we all want to save a few pennies here and there.

But there is one comparison that is truly bad to our wellbeing, and that is the constant comparing of ourselves to others, especially since the dawn of online social media, where the doors were open onto anyone’s lives or, at least, to what they wanted us to see.

The recent lockdown triggered in me some deep-rooted jealousy for freedom, mainly based on seeing my friends and colleagues being able to start on new courses as so many companies and individuals were offering everything for free. I was missing out on all that knowledge!

And I was stuck with a lively 2 year old with no childcare, a husband who made my therapy studio his home office (and five months later still there), a struggle to get my regular food deliveries (I hadn’t been to a shop in months pre lockdown), grieving for the loss of my beloved cat and guess what else? Yes, the infamous virus too.

I think I fell into the introvert group that lurked about Facebook but didn’t post anything, I think I felt I just couldn’t compete with all of the happy posts I was seeing about people taking mountains of CPD courses for free. And I felt I was falling behind with my progress.

And then it hit me like a brick wall. I was getting blue and depressed as I was comparing myself to everyone else who seemed to enjoy lockdown. At that point, I was just surviving and I imagine many of you felt the same, I had this green goblin sitting on my shoulder shouting the worst at me because my plan, my expectations were different from the actuality of life and not being able to do any of the things I would have wanted to do, turned our first month of captivity into a coughing nightmare.

You see, even us therapists go through negative periods at times, we are humans just like you, we’re all on a journey of healing and none of us can control life, but we can definitely control how we respond to it, or at least learn and try. And that’s when I called upon a friend who’s an amazing therapist too, as we all need a little help from our friends sometimes.

After our chat, I focused on one thing: self-acceptance.

I’ve reminded myself that on social media people mostly posts the best bits of their lives and not the struggles (Ahhh the magic of an Insta-ready life photo), that my life is at a point on the journey that is different from everyone else and that comparing my life to someone else is a futile exercise. I accepted that right at that moment I had other more important priorities than self-development, no matter how much I would have wanted to sit and learn something new for the benefit of my client’s wellbeing and my own mind, and I accepted myself for not quite loving life as I once did.

And the day I accepted the above, was the first day I truly enjoyed spending 24/7 with my koala toddler under lockdown.

And I healed.

A few easy steps that you can try too to put you back in the flow:

-Practice being grateful, it may not sound much but the power of grace is an amazing catalyst for positive things

-Become conscious of your thoughts and where you direct your attention. Once you are consciously aware of what the mind brings up, you can consciously divert and change them into positive ones. All it takes is a bit of practice.

-Take time away from being online. If you constantly spend time looking at other people’s lives (social media, news outlets etc) you’re giving away the time to look after you and improve your life. You can’t draw water from an empty well. (Your mobile phone should have a function that shows you how much time you have spent on the apps you use. It’s an eye opener!)

And if you truly feel you need more help, contact your GP or find a therapist. Don’t waste a minute more, there is a way out.

August 2020 Tamara Flumignan – @LyncroftStudio

Love and light to you all

We’ve been making glass items many years just as a hobby and we have our glass items all over the world. Some of these items were given as gifts but many more of them have been bought and sent abroad.

It seems an age since we attended a couple of craft Each year, which we did for many years.

So much has changed in the past six months, we’ve gone from working full time and making glass items in our spare time and trying to get everything ready for our fairs.
To a complete change about in circumstances.

About 18 months ago I decided I wanted to work as a carer in the community. I applied and for the job and I loved it. What I didn’t expect was the constant barrage of phone calls asking me to work on my 2 days off.

Working long 18 hour days really started to take its toll on me and my health started to decline. After 6 months my health deteriorated and I really thought my heart was in trouble. I had to have a period of time off work and months of various tests and scans etc.

After 4 months I decided my health had to come first and I resigned from my job.

This was a very daunting experience and I spent hours and hours asking for guidance from above.

In December 2019 I took the plunge and stepped out of my comfort zone and took Forever Glass Art to new limits.

As you can see there are 2 of us in the business, Jane still does her day job and helps out when she can. She is a fabulous talented lady and she does some fabulous pieces she also etches all our glass pieces.

This is sometimes a mammoth task as I get carried away in the workshop.

That leap of faith and the trust and guidance I received has set me on a journey of discovery. I’m making items that are completely new and the tremendous feedback from our customers has been amazing.

Love and light to you all

Di & Jane
Forever Glass Art

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Never stop believing – Norma Bingley

I was blissfully unaware – 20 yrs ago I attended a self-hypnosis course at the local high school – I loved it. I asked how much it was to train as a therapist ?? £1500 What ?? No way could I afford that – it was a warm summer night in July – the sky was clear of clouds all the stars on display – I walked home looking up to the stars, striking up a conversation with Spirit, I reached out with my mind and said – if this is my destiny and you want me to do this course – you need to provide me with the money – 6 months later I won the lottery £27 thousand pounds – I paid for repairs to the house – gave the kids some money, had a lovely holiday, donated to a local charity and the money was almost gone- I woke up with a start one night, someone whispered in my ear – “did you forget what we gave you the money for??? “ I started looking for a course the next day Hypnotherapy training here I come – lots more magic happened before I got on that course. Far too much for me to write about here. My advice is dream big if it’s meant to be it will be- never stop believing