Vals visit from Tom

My brother Thomas aged 57 passed away on 21 October 2015 after having a bleed in his brain on the 19 Oct, He had surgery and we thought he would pull through.

Tom came to me on the 20 Oct about 11 am he was holding the hand of his grandson Josh aged 19 who passed away 17 weeks before due to Cystic Fibrosis.

They were smiling and I felt Tom wanted me to know he was okay, this upset me but also gave me a sense of peace.

I then went to the hospital knowing Tom had gone and it was only the machine keeping his body alive, Tom’s wife Pam and his daughters agreed to Toms wishes and allowed him to be an organ donator

His kindness saved the lives of 4 people and helped many others.

A few weeks ago my grandson Oliver aged 10 came to stay with me as he does every Wednesday, on this occasion, he lit my candles in the lounge while I was in the kitchen, I was not happy with him and when I asked why he had done it he said Uncle Tom wants to talk to you and he will do it through the candles.

On Saturday My sister Joan came to spend the day with me, she decided that she wanted to stay for the night, so a change of plans and we settled down to the evening.

I saw a shadow pass over the mirror above the fire, I then felt Tom was with us but didn’t know what to do or say till I remembered Oliver’s words from Wednesday.

I lit three candles two on the fireplace and one at the other side of the room.

I said to Tom if you are with us make the candles flicker, all three candles went crazy with the flames going around in circles then straight up, I then said we have two candles for yes on the fireplace and one for no at the other side of the room, make the yes candles flicker if you can the same thing happened but the one at the other side of the room was still.

Okay just so I know you can work the candles please make the no candle flicker; it went crazy.

Joan was in tears as was I, we told Tom how much we missed him and wished he could have stayed with us.

The candles danced and we smiled.

We started to ask Tom question that only needed a yes or no, he gave us the answers with the candles, this was so comforting to Joan and me. We spent the next two hours talking to our wonderful caring brother who we miss very much.

I don’t know if Tom will ever come back to us and do it again but we are so glad he could tell Oliver how he would do it and Oliver passed it on to me.

It was a lovely feeling being linked to him even though it was for a short time.

A day in the Life – Penny Francis

The Transition – Anything Is Possible

It takes incredible strength to make a single transition in life, yet we go through so many in one lifetime, often having to dig really deep, so deep that it can often feel like all of the resources have run out, dried up.

The transition can sometimes be a gentle and subtle journey, so gentle that we hardly notice how we smoothly step from one steppingstone to another. Other transitions come reluctantly, such that we are forced to accept the hand we are dealt and there’s no way out and another through choice, from decisions we have consciously made because we are wanting a change.
Change through choice can be refreshing, bring a new lease of life to our well-being, bring forward new learnings and understandings for the better but in the same breath can happen so rapidly it can leave us in a spin.

I had always worked full time, thinking this was the only way I could survive in a world where rent was high, food prices high and life in general cost an arm and a leg just to breath and as a single parent of two children, I knew my options for going part-time and working more with spirit were limited or at least so I thought.

When working in a high school, like many who work in schools we get to wear many hats and many titles but for no extra remuneration.
It was September of 2017, first day back after a summer holiday, a summer holiday that wasn’t a holiday and one that I had wanted to forget. I had been troubled with double pneumonia, double as it went undiagnosed for 4 weeks and I ended up feeling I was at death’s door.
Yet despite 6 weeks recuperation I was still feeling lethargic and wanted a quiet day to slide back into things gently, that moment changed as quick as the thought flickered through my mind. The Headteacher appeared as a silhouette at my door, blocking out as much light as possible, triggering my thoughts knowing his presence was one of doom and gloom and the image of the grim reaper appeared in my mind, my bad! Yet as he approached the desk I was sat at he was adorned with a big grin that said more than hello, he came bearing gifts…he had yet another new role for me!

I think he thought I would be delighted by this new proposal but instead, my heart sank. And he was shocked by my imminent response of ‘NO!’ For the first time ever in a working environment, I spoke up and I could hear myself justifying my role in the hope he would revoke his offer. I continued to explain what I had to do to create better ways of working not only for the children but staff as well, how I had worked tirelessly with our local RAF base in supporting our Service children, not forgetting the 265 in my college that I was overseeing pastorally, as well as being safeguarding lead, Head of College, whilst managing a teaching timetable, needless to say, he wasn’t listening, it was like talking to fresh air, he didn’t notice I had stopped mid-sentence and breathed a heavy sigh. All I could hear in my head was ‘it’s time for a change’.
As he left, I turned to my computer and without hesitation typed up my resignation, printed it off and placed it in an envelope ready for presenting the next day! I was walking on air. After 10 years of working to the grindstone, I had finally surrendered and made a decision.

However, this was short-lived as the realisation and the dawning of my own reality hit me when I returned home that evening. My logic shouting at me in all directions “I have no job to go to”, ‘where will I find money to pay the bills’, ‘what am I going to do for work?’
My daughter arrived home, already working at the hospital had told me she was going to work some extra hours on her ward by joining the ‘bank’, the ‘bank’ being like an in-house agency of Specialist nurses and nursing assistants, which just happened to be recruiting that month and the closing date was that evening!
The rest is history, I was interviewed on my daughter’s birthday, emailed that afternoon to say I had been successful. I now have a 24-hour (2 day per week) contract at the hospital that allows me to have 5 days to schedule and work with Spirit.
2 and a half years down the road my work has grown, the days are full. Full in ways that I couldn’t even imagine, I am constantly surprised with the opportunity that is presented to me and feel blessed to not only work with spirit but so diversely too.
Everything worked out well, but it took some weeks and months to find the balance with finances, travelling and accessing a new skill set, and have recently undergone phlebotomy training to add to my already full basket. I initially worked quite a few extra hours in order to ensure everything found a balance and continuity. What I didn’t bargain for was how much happier I was in my life; how free I have felt ever since.

In this case, I didn’t give myself any time to rethink my position of leaving the high school, everything fell into place at exactly the right time but I still endured an emotional upheaval throughout the two months of transitioning and yet I spearheaded my way through, kept my focus, dug deep and deeper still and have never looked back, not once and certainly never regretted it, the lack of regret tells me that it was one of the best choices I have made in my entire life.
This current phase in our lives, the world in uncertain times has caused a greater number of us to rethink how our lives are. This time has allowed people to sit and look deeply into their reality, seeing what they are wanting and not wanting for themselves, many have decided to re-educate and retrain. Change their relationship status, transitioning into a solitary life, some have found new friends and are reaching over the garden fence more, checking in on one another, all of which are transitional phases of newness, letting go of the old to allow the new to enter, polish and refresh facets of our soul’s that have been dormant for so long.
Whenever you are about to make a decision that changes the course of your life and it brings about doubt, always remember that you have come to this point for a reason, that this point marks a turning point, it has presented itself to you because you are on the verge of a precipice of change, it will require strength, focus and a strong will but the rewards will be greater than you could ever imagine, all you have to do is surrender and give yourself permission and allow those trusted wings you were born with to spread wide and see how far you can fly.

Are you a Healer? Finding Quantum Breath Energy Healing

I have been a healer since I was a little girl, though I didn’t know it at the time. I was the one in the playground that the other kids came to when they were upset. I was the one who brought a smile to the faces of the elderly residents in the sheltered housing where we lived. I was the one bringing joy to my family when we went through an extremely challenging time of grief and trauma. I was the one trying to help injured wildlife or solemnly burying any beyond my help. Yet I moved through my childhood and early adult life not really knowing the impact of my positive thoughts and love for those around me.

It was Reiki that woke me up to my ‘hands’ and the power of loving intent. I arrived in a Reiki Master’s house in February 1995, led by curiosity and a hope that I could actually do this too. In truth I was rather skeptical that spending a few hours with an eccentric ex SAS officer in the centre of Leeds could actually open me up to the spiritual path that he had claimed it would!

Reiki was a catalyst for a whole new me. I was a primary school teacher at the time, I’d just completed my masters degree and was set for a career in education; then one Reiki attunement later I had the incredible realisation that I was a healer, past, present and future, this was my calling. Since that magical day I have honoured my healing path by being a conscientious student of all things connected with healing and I have spent thousands of hours offering energy healing to others. Healing work is my passion, my joy, my ‘thing’.

As my understanding of healing light developed my style of working with clients did too, I developed my own techniques and these were greatly influenced when I attended some Quantum-Touch Classes in the USA. In 2004 I became the first Quantum-Touch Instructor in Europe and loved working with this energy technique, sharing it extensively with fabulous results for a number of years.

My style of working with energy continued to evolve as I began to listen more and more to my own intuition. I use the breath as a ‘way in’ to connecting with higher wisdom and the ‘knowing’ that comes when I work with a client.  My work became very heart chakra focussed, the bridge between heaven and earth, and through very specific breathing and meditation techniques I found that the healing light in my hands expanded and was even more transformative. I worked a lot with emotional issues as well as physical and clients were able to release and remember; releasing pain, stress, resistance and remembering how to be free, in balance and ‘light’.

I named this healing technique Quantum Breath Energy Healing and got it accredited so I could teach it professionally. Experienced therapists have benefitted from adding Quantum Breath to their skills and complete beginner energy workers have also competently mastered these simple techniques to help themselves and others. I cannot imagine life without being able to connect to this light and utilise it throughout each day.

I run regular Quantum Breath live training classes, both online and at my centre on the North Yorkshire coast. I also offer free Zoom events where you can dip into some of the QB techniques and learn more about it’s potential.

So are you a healer? Do you already work with light? Yes you are a healer. Are you the person that people turn to when they need help or support? Yes you are a healer. Do you truly care for people and offer you love and best wishes to others? Yes you’re a healer.  Are you the person who always reaches out to help, to open the door, pick up something that has been dropped, smile at a stressed mum at the check out? Yes you are a healer.  Are you the person that makes positive comments on social media posts and shares uplifting ones yourself? Yes you are a healer.

There are a multitude of ways to shine our light, to share our love, to make a difference in the world. I’m so thankful that I found ‘my thing’ but I know that we can all be a positive influence to others in each day. We can all share kindness and love, we are all healers if we choose to be.


Kindness with Sarah Wray


As we sit and contemplate the world at the current time, we may feel a sense of unease. However, when we focus ourselves on the positives, we have seen and continue to see such kindness and compassion. Communities coming together, neighbours supporting each other, a shared wish to ensure everyone is safe and well.

Why do we choose to be kindness and compassion?

Kindness is a surefire way to feel good. Whoever you are being kind to – whether it is a small act of kindness to a stranger or kindness to a friend or family member, it is not just them that benefit – it is also you. Kind people feel happier, and the happier you feel the kinder you will be.

So being kind to other people helps us feel happier and more connected. But what about you? Are you being kind to yourself?


Self-kindness is probably last on your list. Why should you be kind to yourself? Maybe you don’t have time? Maybe you don’t think it is important? Maybe you don’t think you are worth it? Well, it is important and will impact hugely on your well-being.

You have probably heard of ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ where we find ways to be kind to different people. Well, today I suggest starting ‘Tiny Acts of Daily Self-Kindness’. How does it work? Well, simply you find at least one small act of kindness just for you every day.

Here are some suggestions

Give yourself encouragement or praise

Most of us quite often are our own worst critics and say things to ourselves that we would never say to others. Quieten that inner critic whenever you notice it starting, and give yourself some encouragement or praise, just like you would give to a friend. Actively recognise the positives about yourself. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Do something just for you

Give yourself permission to do something just for you and enjoy it rather than feeling guilty. Plan time in regularly and don’t cancel! Go for a walk or bike ride, ring a friend, have a bubble bath, cook some nourishing food, read a book, watch a film, spend time with a loved one…whatever you enjoy doing, just for YOU. When you spend time doing the things that you enjoy, you are actively looking after your well-being and will feel more content and have more energy.

Say ‘No’

How many of us say ‘yes’ to people when we actually want to say ‘no’ when they ask us to do something? Learning that at times we have a choice, and we don’t have to explain or feel guilty about not wanting to do something.

Be Grateful

Research shows that people who spend time acknowledging what they are grateful each day (however small), experience greater life satisfaction and less depression than those who don’t. So, notice the good and voice that gratitude.

There are many other ways to be kind to yourself and make a difference to your well-being. Make a habit of the Tiny Acts of Daily Self-Kindness and you will soon notice the difference.