Fitness Expert – Laura Williams-Percival
As I sit and think about the year 2020, I am extremely surprised at how fast the year has gone , you would think that weeks of isolation and not been able to socialise would have dragged severely but for me it has flown quicker than any other year I have had previously, at a drop of a hat I went from been super busy with my fitness business visiting a few different sites to been at home and like most people learning quickly how to adapt my business online! Thank goodness for zoom ! and any other online platforms that are available to connect many people at one time!! It really has succeeded in keeping everyone connected and safe at home whilst working
As well as running my fitness business I am also a mum, wife and like to bake cakes as a hobby. We are an active family that likes adventures and this year has put everything on hold… holidays , adventures, socialising. I think it has been a hard time for all however, there seems to be a deeper sense of gratitude for life and this Christmas seems more special than ever !
What I have noticed in recent times is the change that is happening around our health. For a few years fitness has been increasing with popularity and the pandemic has highlighted many areas in the UK that may need improvement. Living in Yorkshire and the past traditions of going to pub daily have been replaced with walking or fitness, I think it is fabulous how people are looking at overall health as a bigger picture. You do not need to go to gym for hours every day, it does not need to be made complicated or over ambitious, take small steps to increase physical activity and gradually build your self up. There are many benefits to exercise including reduces stress, helps with depression, good for mental wellness and has a positive effect on moods, Physical exercise reduces many illnesses and also it makes you feel more happier, energetic and vitalised.
Our bodies are 60% water ! Drinking plenty of water is also the key to long term health. Drink at least 8 glasses water a day and more when you are exercising as you lose water whilst exercising with sweating and breathing . Water also helps fuel your muscles so this will prevent cramps and will boost your energy levels
As we all know when we enjoy doing something we do it more often! Many people do not like exercise but I have an easy solution to this! Find something you love doing and make a work out from doing it ! For example : Brisk walk in nature : this will also help calm your mind and take time to appreciate the beauty of life. This is also free!! There are free apps available that show public walking routes in the UK.
Motivated Music : Listen to your favourite music and clean the house !! If you live in a house make a point to walk up and down the stairs a few times a day. Good music can motivate you, if you like dancing, then dance !! Why wait for a special moment when you can create one with all of your family !! Put some Christmas songs on whilst decorating the tree and dance! It is fun and you are also creating memories that will last a life time !
I believe routine can be very important in day to day life, try and adapt a routine were you do some form of exercise every day and a different variety so it doesn’t become boring .
If you do like going to classes there are many videos on you tube for free. I would advise starting off small and working your self up if you are new to exercise. You can use tins of beans within the household as weights !
The key is to be realistic and do not set the bar too high that you can not reach !! literally haha !
You do not need to wait until the 1st of January to start!! Make a small start now and by the 1st January you will already have a feeling of self achievement. Dont wait around, the perfect time is to start now !
If you are sat down a lot on a daily basis , every 30 minutes have a walk around .
Start moving them hips with some of my brilliant tips!
1) Join an online class , you will soon make friends and they are super fun ! I include optional fancy dress in my classes and a variety of different classes so it makes it fun, there are many different classes available online
2) Try and do 20 minutes every day of exercise. This could be a walk, workout class, Cleaning, dancing ! Have a variety of physical exercise
3) Do a challenge for a Charity – Our UK Charities are struggling, why not ask a few friends to help and start building yourself up for a challenge next year? Get fit, achieve great things whilst raising money for Charity ! Remember this does not have to be anything major, start small!
4) Christmas is nearly here and everyone will be watching their money. You tube have many free videos to give you ideas on a routine. Choose a few different exercises and make up your very own routine ! You are in control but you must act first !! One foot in front of the other and you will be skipping in no time!
5) Create a hobby that includes physical activity !! This way you are multi-creating !! Get fit whilst doing something you enjoy !!