Matt Callaway
Business Name

I’m Matt Callaway – an Energy Healer and Therapist, specialising in Block Clearance Therapy (BCT). I offer online BCT sessions to help clients overcome any issues they are feeling hindered by, to allow them to move forward with more ease.

BCT helps clients to access their subconscious mind to locate the root of a “block" or issue preventing them from moving forward in their life, and these can be either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual blocks. By understanding why certain patterns and belief systems have been created within the subconscious, we can safely release any patterns that no longer serve the client and instead replace these with new positive patterns.

BCT sessions are typically 90 minutes.

The first part of the session is spent discussing the issues and life events the client wishes to share, to establish what we should focus on to best serve the client. Some clients bring specific problems they wish to address, whilst others are not sure where to start – whatever the case, once we start talking things have a funny way of falling into place so we know where to focus. We can then formulate a question to ask the client’s subconscious helping us understand the specific block and why it was created.

The client is guided through a visualisation to access the subconscious mind, whereby the root of the problem that is preventing the client moving forward can be recognised, understood, and released.

Whilst this is a guided visualisation, the client is in control at all times – the client’s subconscious is “downloaded” into the conscious mind, and all information comes from the client.

It’s important to note that we all visualise, or imagine, differently – for some people they can see visual imagery, others can hear things, and others can feel things – there is no right or wrong way. Whatever information flows to you is what your subconscious wishes to reveal to help you move forward, therefore you’ll be glad to know it isn't possible to get anything wrong!

After the visualisation, we can discuss any realisations or lessons that have been understood if the client wishes, before providing the client with a set of positive affirmations directly linked to the subconscious block that has been cleared. Affirmations help build on the session by further reconditioning the subconscious to move forward in positivity.

Issues that clients often wish to address include but are not limited to:

Bereavement and Loss
Relationship issues
Family issues
Drugs / Alcohol Addiction
Feelings of Powerlessness
Feelings of Isolation or Loneliness
Fear of Failure
Fear of Rejection / Abandonment
Fear of Judgement
Lack of Trust
Lack of Self-Worth or Self-Value
Lack of Confidence​

Even if your challenge isn’t on the above list, I will be able to help you. If you have any questions or would like to find out more before booking a session, please feel free to get in touch.

I also offer Tarot Readings, and Chakra Healing.