New Earth Sisterhood

The New Earth Sisterhood is the community of the New Earth Goddess, the goddess of the rose and all that we are becoming as the Earth transitions into the golden age to come.

Many of you have worked long and hard clearing your hearts of the past and even past lives and you have delved so deep within to find your true self for often she has been buried beneath so much conditioning and painful memories.
You may be new to this path or you may have tread it for a very long time but if you are here reading this you are an old soul carrying deep wisdom within you which you have gathered from every lifetime you have ever lived. The time is now, the time to move forward to totally reclaim your goddess self, your rose self.

We are part of the beginning of a new world and the peace to come and we are here as participants in the birthing of a new earth.

I am offering a year long immersion into your New Earth Goddess self for those who wish to be completely immersed in the New Earth energies. As part of the year long immersion you will be able to join the closed Facebook group New Earth Goddess where I will nurture and feed you and support you on your journey throughout the year.

Upon completion of the year long New Earth Goddess Immersion you will be able to teach your own New Earth Goddess Immersions and create your own New Earth Sisterhood as part of a greater circle of women.

I am also offering Goddess of the 7th. Ray Immersion, the path of inner alchemy.



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