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Health Works

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Health Works


Stoke on Trent
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Heart Medicine with Charlie Thomas

‘Heart Medicine with Charlie Thomas’ provides the holistic healing therapies of Intuitive Energy Healing & Card Readings.

Intuitive Energy Healing
Led by my heart, and guided by spirit, I combine the healing therapies of Reiki and Crystal healing with Shamanic healing techniques into what I call Intuitive Energy Healing. Ideal for relaxation and peace of mind, or if you feel the call it can be used for deep heart healing and a greater connection to self.

Oracle & Tarot Card Readings
Attuned intuitively to the divine truth and inspiration that a card reading can offer, I create a safe space of discovery for you. Ideal if you are seeking guidance and clarity in an area of your life, or if you feel the call to dig deeper a reading can be used to explore your shadows and excavate parts that no longer serve you.

Can I be of service to you? Are you seeking..
-relaxation & peace of mind
-guidance & clarity
-a safe space for discovery
-a greater connection to self
-deep heart healing

All of my services are available online, in my studio space (Eastleigh, Hampshire) and depending on location I am able to travel to you.

A little about me, I have been reading cards and practicing aspects of Intuitive Energy Healing for the last five years. My journey is ongoing, a path I will ever be walking. As I continue to grow and work on developing myself, I envisage the shifts and expansions in what it is I will give the world. At present, I offer up heart medicine.

Ask yourself, how does your heart feel? I make available a safe space for you to connect more deeply with yourself, with your truth.

I am guided by my intuition, and my connection to spirit. I draw on my own life experiences, from the messy to the beautiful.

I’m a witch. I’m a healer. A combination of stardust and dirt. I weave the magick with the mundane. A rebel. A beacon of light. A catalyst for change. I am a believer in all faiths. I walk the the space in-between. I’m my own hero, and I hold out my hand for you to rise up to be yours.

Stand in your power, stand in your grace. Love wildly and live with unwavering passion. Look into those deepest of hidden places you hold within, and begin to heal.

You hold the key to setting yourself free, I am here to help you on the journey to illuminate your darkness and discover the lock.


Heather Davidson – Oxford Acupuncture

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Heather Davidson – Oxford Acupuncture


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Heaton Acupuncture Clinic

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Heaton Acupuncture Clinic


182 Portland Road
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK NE2 1DJ
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Helen Hardware
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Helen is a spiritual hypnotherapist and soulful confidence coach. She specialises in hypnosis for personal and spiritual growth, including healing in this life, past life regression and hypnotherapy to engage with your higher self or your spiritual guides, teachers or angels. Helen’s passion is to help spiritual women unleash their confidence by believing at a soul level that they are good enough just as they are and make their unique impact on the world.

Helen Riddington Acupuncture

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Helen Riddington Acupuncture


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Henrietta’s Holistic Healing Centre

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Henrietta’s Holistic Healing Centre


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Highland Healing Space

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Highland Healing Space


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Holistic Health Clinic

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Holistic Health Clinic


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