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and Well Being services in the UK

Valarie’s Virtual Tarrot

Valarie’s Virtual Tarrot
Business Name
Valarie’s Virtual Tarrot

Hello everyone and welcome to my page.
My name is Valerie, I am a physic medium, I also deliver Clinical Hypnotherapy, EFT,Reiki healing/Drumming and Spiritual Guidance.
One of my passions are the Tarot Cards.
If you would like a reading please get in touch.
We can talk though any problems you are facing and together find a way forward for you.

(More feedback needed)
Vicky McGrath Spiritual Arts

Vicky McGrath Spiritual Arts provides Mediumship and Life Purpose readings for people all over the world, virtually and in person.

Vicky Sarah Animal Reiki and Communication

By combining three remote animal services; animal and pet communication (sometimes referred to as pet psychic), distant animal reiki and pet astrology, I am able to achieve a deeper level of understanding, connection and healing for you and your animal. These can be changes of a transformational kind.

West Yorkshire
Dee Banton Psychic Medium
Business Name

Clairvoyant Medium, Tarot Readings and Spiritual Counselling with Dee Banton of Visionary Medium.
Connect with Loved Ones – Guides – Ascended Masters
Gain the support and clarity you need now with a Tarot Reading
As a Clairvoyant Medium we connect with Love Ones
Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters to view your Life Path.
Spiritual Counselling
Spiritual Counselling gives you and expanded view of life recognising that the world is a complex mystery and takes into account belief systems, personal energy systems, subconscious states of awareness, spiritual theology, spiritual presence and higher – self connections. Life is personal, spiritual counselling supports each individual in creating your own flow relationship with themselves and others, without force.

2 Duncan Street, Calne, Wiltshire
Calne SN11 9BU

Weight loss, nutrition, anxiety, sleep issues, CFS, Flower remedies, NLP, EFT

01727 844912
[email protected]
St. Albans AL4 9AJ