Find Your Trusted Source for Spiritual, Holistic
and Well Being services in the UK

Balance Hypnotherapy are experts in helping our clients change unwanted thoughts or behaviours to help them improve their mental health and well-being. We specialise in helping our clients manage anxiety, insomnia, food issues, confidence coaching, drinking less and weight loss.

21 Trent Boulevard, West Bridgford
Nottingham ng25bb
Barry Langton Hypnotherapist

Professional clinical hypnotherapist, qualified, fully registered and insured. I’m dedicating to un-derstanding exactly what you want to achieve, getting results that last, monitoring progress throughout therapy and ensuring changes last. Get in touch to Free confidential initial consultation available, get in touch to arrange a suitable time.

21 Trent Boulevard
Nottingham NG2 5BB

Bea Masters Acupuncture

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Bea Masters Acupuncture


St Albans
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Birmingham Energy Field Healing

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Birmingham Energy Field Healing


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Body and Mind Healing

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Body and Mind Healing


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Body Balance Acupuncture Lincoln

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Body Balance Acupuncture Lincoln


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Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic

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Brighton Physiotherapy Clinic


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Bristol Acupuncture Clinic

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Bristol Acupuncture Clinic


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Bristol WellBeing

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Bristol WellBeing


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Bruno Groening Circle of Friends

The Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is a German Charity that organizes world wide free lectures on the following topic:

Help and Healing on the Spiritual Path through the Teaching of Bruno Gröning – medically verifiable!
• What the people of all advanced civilizations knew
• What famous doctors of modern times (Paracelsus, Hahnemann …) used
• What science confirmed through some fundamental discoveries:
There is a higher power that is the basis of all living things and it can heal!
Bruno Gröning called it life force, healing power, ‘Heilstrom’ or the divine power. He had a very exact intuitive knowledge of it, which through his simple teaching he made available for everyone.

The Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends is an association of people who have experienced help and healing through taking in this, today largely forgotten, natural healing power. All over the world, the teaching of Bruno Gröning is passed on independently of religious and national affiliation.

Through an appropriate body posture and spiritual openness, each person can receive the divine power themselves. This physically perceptible Heilstrom can bring about help and healing, even in cases of chronic, degenerative and serious organic diseases.

“Trust and believe. The divine power helps and heals.” (Bruno Gröning)
Large numbers of the healings are recorded along the lines of a medical case history. The Medical Scientific Group (MWF) in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, a forum of several thousand doctors and other health care professionals, checks the reports and when possible, provides documentation with a physician’s commentary based on medical findings of independent doctors.